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"The savings from the Cash Discount program gives us more funds at the first of the month. Few customers have complained. We can now pay our $2,000.00 monthly electric bill instead of giving it to the credit card companies."

"So far, so good. I'm offering the cash discount, but most customers just want to go ahead and use the card and are fine with the service fee. I haven't had anyone complain and it's been a huge savings for me."

"The Cash Discount Program has been great for me. I have very few customers ask about the service charge, and when they do I just compare it to an ATM service fee. They understand the concept."







"Before the Cash Discount program, the fees were very high. I'm sure all Merchants know how much they pay. Now the fees are gone!" 


- Tati (Restaurant - General Manager)​​​


"I'm very pleased to no longer be paying for the airline miles and reward points on my customer's credit cards now that I'm using the Cash Discount program. Only 1 out of 100 people say anything about the service fee. When one customer asked about it, I told him I'd be happy to help him save 4% by doing a cash transaction. I told him the ATM next door charges $2 plus the bank will also charge an additional $2-$4. The service fee on this particular sale was only about $1.50 so my customer was happy to have the convenience of paying the small service fee that actually saved them money and time."


- Ben (Jewelry Store - Owner)


"For years I would cringe every time a customer would hand me a credit card. I knew I would be paying a fee for their convenience of using a card. As a business owner I don't think it is right that we pay extra fees so customers get rewarded by the big card companies. A customer should have to pay for their own convenience to use a credit card. Knowing it cost me absolutely nothing when I have a credit card transaction makes everything stress free. The big plus is that now that big chunk of change will not be taken out of my bank account at the end of every month. I truly believe in 2-3 years this will be industry standard if not sooner."


Scott (Antique Store - Owner)


"With my old company I would take a credit card payment for $1,500 and think "There goes 2.50-3.00% of my profit." With the Cash Discount program I don't even bat an eyelash knowing that I'll be getting ALL of my money when a customer pays with a credit card."


- Jerry (Auto Repair Shop - owner)


"I haven't experienced any push back at all from my customers and I especially like the fact that I'm not having to pay heavy credit card fees."


- Rafael (Restaurant - General Manager)​


Since being on the program I have not had any issues with customers paying the 4%. The system is so easy to use, and it automatically adds the 4% to the transaction. Thank you!


- Kenneth (Transmission Repair Shop)

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